Showing posts with label Bobcaygeon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bobcaygeon. Show all posts

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Jeep Therapy - Trip to Bobcaygeon Ontario

Starting the day off
Something isn't right with us Jeep owners. Case in point, I spent July 21st either on my way to, on, or on my way from a trail. To put it another way, I drove 175km (110 miles) to the trails in Bobcaygeon, MAYBE, 10km (6 mile) on the trails, and another 175km home. It was a long day.
I also learned, that at 41, those kinda days are hard on my body.

Putting some country air back in my tires
I also had some time to think in my travels. My Jeep is the result of experiences gained while younger, and in a YJ. So when I set up myself to build the TJ, I made some very conscious decisions in my build.

With the TJ, I decided to go with as low a lift as possible, so rather than 4", I went 2.5". The YJ had no sway bars, the TJ does, and they don't get disconnected. The front and rear carried over the lockers with 4.88's, and the front Warn hub conversion.

It runs down the road as straight as an arrow, and can hold 110km/h (70mph) while doing so.
On the trail, I point it, and it does it. It claws, crawls, and pulls itself through what I throw at it.
It's a ten foot Jeep (looks good from ten feet away), reliable as an anvil, 20 years old, and only has 95000km (59000 miles) on the odometer.

The story of my therapy session is a simple one. Make plans with a buddy, head up to the trails, get some time in the Jeep in. A day when the only responsibility to to make it in and out of the trail and home safely.